
muslim brotherhood

2012 Top Ten Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Slurs

The Jews have dominated the land, spread corruption on earth, spilled the blood of believers and in their actions profaned holy places. Zionists only understand the language of force and will not relent without duress. This will happen only through holy Jihad.

Egypt’s contentious Islamist constitution becomes law

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi signed into law a new constitution shaped by his Islamist allies, a bitterly contested document which he insists will help end political turmoil and allow him to focus on fixing the economy.

Egypt’s opposition protests draft constitution

Egypt\’s opposition said it would continue to protest an upcoming referendum on a draft constitution even after President Mohammed Morsi cancelled decrees that gave him virtually unlimited power.

Obama expresses deep concern to Egypt’s Morsi about violence

U.S. President Barack Obama called Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi on Thursday to express his \”deep concern\” about the deaths and injuries of protesters in Egypt and said dialogue between opposing sides should be held without preconditions, the White House said.

Clashes erupt in Egypt despite proposal to end crisis

Islamists fought protesters outside the Egyptian president\’s palace on Wednesday, while inside the building his deputy proposed a way to end a crisis over a draft constitution that has split the most populous Arab nation.

The two faces of Morsi: Power-hungry peace broker?

Is Morsi morphing into Mubarak? Last week Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi earned U.S. kudos that were quickly followed by expressions of concern — the former for brokering the truce that ended the Israel-Hamas mini-war, the latter for then decreeing himself absolute powers.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.