

Red-Dead canal idea stirs controversy

The World Bank is conducting a $14 million study of a plan to build a canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. Environmentalists say the canal idea is a risky proposition to save the Dead Sea, which is rapidly shrinking.

On eve of prisoner swap, Israel recalls 2006 Lebanon war

For many Israelis, the timing of this week’s scheduled prisoner swap with Hezbollah serves as a bitter reminder of the failings of the Second Lebanon War. Two years since the 34-day conflagration — sparked by Hezbollah taking two Israeli soldiers captive in a cross-border attack — the war’s ostensible goals appear to be unrealized.

The other refugees

Is there a more loaded word in the Arab-Israeli conflict than \”refugee\”

The Second Lebanon War — one year later

One year after the Second Lebanon War, Israel\’s northern front is quiet, U.N. forces are patrolling the border area and Hezbollah fighters have been pushed back deep inside Lebanese territory.

Fatah-Hamas conflict forces Palestinians to choose

Abbas\’ call Saturday for early elections in the Palestinian Authority triggered fierce street fighting between Fatah and Hamas, which won the last election in January. Despite a hastily arranged cease-fire Monday, the two factions remain on the brink of civil war.

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