

Majoring in Courage

These are tense days for the Los Angeles parents of Jewish students studying at Israeli universities and yeshivas. Their sons and daughters are among some 4,000 Americans studying in Israel this year in a wide range of programs. Major universities, yeshivas, kibbutzim, the Israel Defense Force are just a few of the institutions that offer American students programs in Israel. According to the Israel Aliyah Center, there are l00 students from Los Angeles currently studying in Israel.

A Lesson Plan From Israel

In our hardwired global village, the old curse \”May you live in interesting times,\” has particular resonance. For local educators, the recent clashes between Israelis and Palestinians have made these past few weeks interesting times indeed. As events continue to unfold thousands of miles away, the conflict has been an ongoing topic in Southern California\’s Jewish day schools.

Defusing Tension

\nWhile violent clashes between Israelis and Palestinians have captured the headlines in recent weeks, Jewish and Arab leaders in major American cities are working quietly to forestall confrontations between their communities.\n\nTheir efforts are marked by some common guidelines.

Defending Israel

The organized North American Jewish community\’s reaction to the violent events in the Middle East can be summed up in a few words: solidarity with Israel.

Our Jamal

I stared with the rest of the horrified world at the photo of the anonymous Palestinian father holding his anonymous Palestinian son – father wounded, son dead.

Assigning Blame

The catalyst for a spate of violence here may have been an Israeli politician\’s visit to a Muslim and Jewish holy site, but Israeli officials are holding Palestinian leaders directly responsible for the bloodshed.At least 55 people were killed, mostly Palestinians, in rioting that touched off Sept. 28 when Likud Party leader Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Beyond the Hype

Sitting at Rosh Hashanah services tonight and tomorrow, imagine that the liturgy\’s abstract ideas about the birth of the world, the fate of our souls, God\’s relationship to the universe – that all of these ideas were so real to you, you could actually see them and touch them and feel them.

The Convention Comes to Town

The story goes that a young man gets an entry-level job with the Democratic National Committee in the nation\’s capital and for his first assignment is told by his boss to buy Christmas decorations for the upcoming office party.\”I\’m not sure whether I\’m the right person,\” protests the young man. \”You see, I\’m Jewish.\”

Widening the Wall

Campaigners for religious pluralism drove two gaping breaches this week through Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox control of the Western Wall.

Remembering Melanie

There is a grimy Arabic sign high on the wall of the imposing new building rising on a rocky, ragged hillside in the West Bank village of Abu Dis.

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