

Bracelet Bandwagon

\”People wear this jewelry to make a statement,\” Yael Swerdlow said, \”and we hope to make ours.\”

A Fishy Miracle

The fish was the ugliest I had ever seen. I actually recoiled as my son proudly pointed him out in the aquarium. He loves fish.

God’s Questions

When we arrive in heaven, the talmudic sages wondered, what will God ask of us?

Give Best, Sweetest to Hungry

For millions of American Jews, the official end of the summer season brings with it an important new beginning. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, ushers in the holiest period of the Jewish calendar.

The Mickey Rule

There seems to be an unwritten rule that states: \”If you are going through a convulsive experience, you ought to be open to those with equally or more compelling issues.\” Whatever happened to: \”Put your own mask on first, then, tighten the straps before you try to assist others\”?

Monk Could Be Way to Mideast Peace

There are only two ways to ever make peace in the Middle East, and both are extreme. One is for one side to obliterate the other in a military conquest. The other, far more favorable approach, is for an unrelated third party to broker peace. For this to succeed, this person must come with absolutely no agenda — not one of country, religion, politics or money. Just peace.

For the Kids

A child\’s poem to celebrate Jerusalem Day

Israel Needs Hope for Survival

Nearly 60 years ago, out of the ashes of the Holocaust, thousands of Jews came with not much more than the shirts on their backs to a land recognizable only as a collective and distant memory.

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Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.