

Baggage Claim

I used to want things. One day, I realized the seven pairs of Puma sneakers and the Pottery Barn rug and the 8-pound \”Columbia
Encyclopedia,\” those were just things to pack, and I didn\’t want them anymore.

An Experience Worth the Price of Admission

So what is Ron Wolfson\’s opinion when it comes to those $100 and $150 price tags on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur seats? Are the charges really necessary? Is the cost too high?

Fed Campaign Ends on High Note

In June, the Journal incorrectly reported the 2003 results as slightly down based on incomplete figures that did not reflect the final campaign push.

Summer Tzedakah

The rabbis say that the world stands on three things: learning, prayer and righteous deeds.

How to Fundraise in the 21st Century

Today, Jews are among the most educated and affluent minority groups in the United States. Attitudes toward them have evolved to such an extent that an Orthodox Jew, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.), is considered a front-runner for the Democrat Party\’s presidential nomination.

An Unorthodox View of Who’s Orthodox

I want to respond to my observant friends who have asked me to answer this question: What can they take from a Jew who doesn\’t believe the Torah is the word of God and who feels no need or obligation to follow His commandments? What can they take from that \”truth\”?

Realty’s Fealty for Jewish Los Angeles

Mark Karlan and other successful Jews in the business believe that realty\’s fealty to Jewish causes lies in factors unique to the nature of the business, which is driven by a generation profoundly connected to Jewish values and impacted by the Holocaust and the creation of Israel.

Here Comes the Price: Buying Gifts

Please follow me through a short exercise (choosing from the options in parentheses to tailor it to your own experience): Your friend (since elementary school/from graduate school/of the family) calls to tell you that she\’s gotten engaged.

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Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.