

Zagat for Dating

Here in Los Angeles, our services are more important than our dates. (I learned this the hard way by dating my mechanic\’s assistant — a budding screenwriter — and soon had to find a new mechanic. Not worth it.)

Zionist Group Seeks to Assert Relevance

Earlier this year, Yossi Beilin, leader of Israel\’s Meretz-Yahad Party, called for the establishment of an assembly of Jewish lawmakers from around the world to address issues of consequence to global Jewry.

A Manifesto for the Future

In early November, I spoke at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. The topic was \”The Future of Conservative Judaism.\” I prepared for the talk by asking colleagues, friends and congregants to define Conservative Judaism in one sentence. It was a dispiriting experience.

Synagogues Weigh Defibrillator Benefits

In the five years since Priddy\’s father passed away, portable defibrillators (also called automated external defibrillators) have become increasingly common in public venues.

Wolpe Leading Pick for Seminary Spot

The position of JTS chancellor is widely viewed as the head of the entire Conservative movement, as well as the leader of its flagship institution.

Hier, Pope Talk at Vatican

During a private audience at the Vatican, the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center urged Pope Benedict XVI this week to lead a \”coalition of the good\” against international terrorism and threats from Iran.

Chemistry and the Torah: The Limits of Understanding

Judaism is a simple religion containing many complexities. No one could realistically hope to understand everything. It is important to question and to learn. But when we don\’t understand something, or don\’t agree with something, we need to remember that it doesn\’t give us license to not follow halacha or to not keep the Torah.

Calendars Remove Anti-Israel Day

The annihilation of Israel is the raison d\’etre of the \”holiday\” that the late Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini created after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. It is marked with anti-Israel demonstrations in some Islamic countries, as well as in cities with large Muslim populations outside the Islamic world.

What’s So Special About the Special Election?

On Nov. 8, the voters of California will have the chance to vote in a special election most of them did not want. That\’s no reason to stay home. After all, whether we like it or not, the election will take place, and all of California residents will have to live with the consequences.


Proposition 77, the redistricting measure on next week\’s special elections ballot, is likely to shift considerably more Latino voters into Berman\’s district — and perhaps give rise to a viable Latino challenger.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.