

Calendar Picks and Clicks: June 7-June 17, 2011

Jewish texts further the understanding of difficult social issues and current events, including the Arab spring, WikiLeaks, protests at soldiers’ funerals and more. Sponsored by Temple Beth Am, Temple Emanuel, Adat Shalom, Pico Egal, Ma’or and the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies. Tue. 7:15 p.m.

Calendar Picks and Clicks: May 17-May 27, 2011

Party in Pico-Robertson with Chaim Fogelman, the Cheder Boys Choir, the Platt Brothers and TNT Dunk Squad, followed by a parade with marching bands and floats. Then stay for the fair, including rides, games booths, petting zoo and kosher food stands. Sun. 10:30 a.m. (concert), 11:30 a.m. (parade), 12:45-4 p.m. (fair). Free.

Calendar Picks and Clicks: March 24-April 1, 2011

VIDAL SASSOON\nSpend an evening with the man who has been on the cutting edge of hairstyling since the 1960s. Sassoon discusses and signs “Vidal: The Autobiography,” his recently released memoir, which follows his youth in a London Jewish orphanage, his time spent fighting in the Israeli army and, of course, his wildly successful career. Fri. 7 p.m. Free. Book Soup, 8818 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. (310) 659-3110. booksoup.com

Calendar picks and clicks: Dec. 25–Jan. 7, 2011

THU | JAN 6 (CURRENT EVENTS) Reza Aslan, the Iranian American author of “No god but God: The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam” and editor of the recently released anthology “Tablet and Pen: Literary Landscapes From the Modern Middle East,” lectures on “Iran, Israel and The U.S.: Conflict or Cooperation?” Afterward, he discusses the topic with Sinai Temple’s Rabbi David Wolpe and signs copies of his books. Thu. 7:30 p.m. Free. Sinai Temple, 10400 Wilshire Blvd., L.A. (310) 474-1518. sinaitemple.org.

Calendar Picks and Clicks: Dec. 16-24, 2010

“One of the biggest challenges facing a parent and a grandparent today is the uncertainty whether our children will continue to follow in the ways of Judaism, in the Derech Hashem,” said Rabbi Alan Kalinsky, Orthodox Union’s West Coast director. The 20th annual Orthodox Union West Coast Torah Convention, “Keeping Our Values for the Next Generation,” features a variety of distinguished speakers addressing values — as they relate to daily life in schools, homes, shuls and the community — at numerous local synagogues during the four-day regional event. On Thursday, a plenary discussion at Beth Jacob Congregation focuses on “Keeping Our Kids and Grandkids on the Derech.” OU President Stephen J. Savitsky speaks Friday night as part of a panel, “Defining Our Values – The Effect of Polarization in the Jewish Community,” at Congregation Mogen David. On Sunday, a closing session at Young Israel of Century City features Savitsky with Rabbi Shaul Robinson and Journal senior writer Julie Gruenbaum Fax addressing “The Future of Orthodoxy.” Thu. Through Dec. 26. Various times and locations. (310) 229-9000, ext. 200. ouwestcoast.org.

Calendar Picks and Clicks: Nov. 11-19, 2010

Chasidic pop star Matisyahu, best known for his hit “King Without a Crown,” blends reggae with Middle Eastern rhythms and American pop, conjuring up a fresh medley of unique and powerful beats. Sat. 8 p.m. $25-$45. The Luckman Fine Arts Complex, 5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles. (323) 343-6610.

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