
Timeline: U.N. resolutions on Palestine

Here are summaries of some of the main United Nations resolutions on Palestine as the General Assembly votes on Thursday on lifting the Palestinian status within the world body from \"entity\" to \"non-member state.\"
November 29, 2012

Here are summaries of some of the main United Nations resolutions on Palestine as the General Assembly votes on Thursday on lifting the Palestinian status within the world body from “entity” to “non-member state.”

Resolution 181 – 1947 – Known largely in the region as the so-called “Partition Plan,” this resolution provided for the establishment of an Arab State and a Jewish State in former British Mandatory Palestine.

Resolution 194 – 1948 – Following the 1948 war over the founding of Israel, this resolution called for permitting a return of refugees willing to live at peace with their neighbours, for the demilitarisation and internationalisation of Jerusalem and for protection and free access for holy places.

Resolution 242 – 1967 – The Security Council, after much negotiation, adopted a resolution laying down principles for peace and the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories captured in a war that year. The resolution also called for “achieving a just settlement of the refugee problem.”

Resolution 3236 – 1974 – The General Assembly reaffirmed the rights of the Palestinian people, including self-determination without external interference, the right to national independence and sovereignty, and the right to return to their homes and property.

Resolution 465 – 1980 – The resolution condemned Israeli policy of “settling parts of its population and new immigrants” in occupied territory, including the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights. It called such settlements a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilians in time of war.

Resolution 681 – 1990 – Adopted after deadly riots occurred in Jerusalem's old city, this resolution condemned an Israeli decision to deport Palestinians, a measure Israel said was necessary for security reasons.

Resolution 1397 – 2002 – This Security Council resolution formally affirmed a vision for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, “where two states, Israel and Palestine, live side by side within secure and recognised borders.” It also voiced “grave concern” for the violence of an uprising that erupted after failed peace talks in 2000.

Resolution 66/17 – 2012 – This General Assembly resolution reaffirmed the illegality of Israeli settlements in occupied territory Palestinians seek for a state, including East Jerusalem. It also reiterated the right of Palestinians to establish their own independent state.

Reporting by David Cutler, London Editorial Reference Unit

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