6. Spend his first waking moment, as a proud Jew, to say the Modeh Ani Lefanecha prayer and bless the day. ( In case you forgot: Modeh anee lefanecha melech chai vekayam, she-he-chezarta bee nishmatee b’chemla, raba emunatecha.)
5. Spend his second waking moments meditating to clear his head from the previous day's baggage. With a clear head, he would avoid such monumental mistakes as a “texty” with V. I know she and the Clippers would apreciate it
4. Read a damn book. This will help him connect the “1,000 piece” puzzle of his soul, and learn the lessons he is struggling to get. Here are some examples: Course of Miracles- by Marianne Williamson; The Four Agreements- Don Miguel Ruiz; and, Falling into Grace,
3. Hire a nice Jewish trainer, with many years of experience, to whip his butt into top shape. “>http://www.expresshometrainer.com/4-best-detoxing-smoothies/
1. Be grateful. Look around at how blessed his life is. Call his children. Stop and smell the roses.