
CA Jewish Caucus Members Hang Mezuzot to Celebrate New Law

August 13, 2019
Photo from Pixabay.

Myriad members of the California Legislative Jewish Caucus hung mezuzot on their offices to celebrate the passage of a bill barring building owners from taking down residents’ mezuzot.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed the bill, SB 652, into law on July 30; it had passed the State Senate and Assembly on May 6 and July 8, respectively.

The caucus shared photos of the mezuzot on Twitter:

Anti-Defamation League San Francisco tweeted, “So great to see these mezuzot! Thank you again @CAJewishCaucus!”

The law, which will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2020, states that “a property owner shall not enforce or adopt a restrictive covenant or any other restriction that prohibits one or more religious items from being displayed or affixed on any entry door or entry door frame of a dwelling,” although it does provide a few exceptions, including an item that prevents a door from opening or closing.

Prior to the law’s passage, there have been various instances of building owners forcing Jewish residents to take down their mezuzot because of a building policy, according to Sen. Ben Allen (D-Los Angeles) and the Anti-Defamation League.

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