The moment that we made it here
to the sukkah of his I don't need to feel anything
I don't want to do anything except build
I do in peace.
I don't need this to be a sexual metaphor, or one of comfort. You don't need to have a face
for me to love you. It doesn't need to even be covered by being
Yours and others'. I don't need to see you with
your banner,
I just need You. I need You. I do.
It's so nice of you to show us how much you love
surrounding you and everything.
This wing, this embrace, this skylight above the holy arc,
this well, this chuppah open to the sky,
we can think of it as protection, as our fragility,
a truest home to come down to,
as a place for joy.
The way we connect shaking the lulav through the air
and make a straight line that we can remember
We can see you in every way,
jumping in the worlds
and how you rest inside with your whole heart– (etrog)
We have to cuddle, and keep our distance
to come together
and still, seeing you in the face
looking at me, I can hardly believe it.
and when we close the togetherness
there is always more, come and build your sukkah here
walk trough any gate you want.
cleanse yourself again and again,
I need you. I need you. I do.