There Is Plenty for American Jews to Be Thankful For
As Americans prepare for our annual 96-hour bonanza of turkey, stuffing, football and shopping, Jews in America have plenty to be thankful for.
As Americans prepare for our annual 96-hour bonanza of turkey, stuffing, football and shopping, Jews in America have plenty to be thankful for.
We arrived as a group with one purpose: To raise our voices and show up for our people.
In the past, I’ve never pushed wearing a kippah on anyone but my children. These days, I’m becoming more vocal in my advocacy.
The rhetoric of the past month has primed countless Americans to accept bin Laden’s worldview, which is that “the creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased.”
The fact that we are even debating this question at all is entirely antisemitic.
The cracks in the alliance between Congress and Israel have become more noticeable.
The agreement paves the way for the release of 50 hostages • Israel will release 150 to 300 female and teenage Palestinian terrorists.
In the collection of traditions known as Bereshit Rabbah, the Jewish sages offered a radical reading of the patriarch Jacob’s starry night. In it they sensed the scientific formula for nothing less than Jewish survival.
What happens on our campuses will shape the future of the US. This organized campaign of hate is therefore not just a Jewish issue but an American one.
Semafor reported that “nearly a dozen” Times staffers signed the letter, and that the Times has blocked them all from covering the war for at least the next three months, citing two sources who were familiar with the situation.