Table for Five: Matot-Massei
Conquering the enemy within.
Simply put, few people in entertainment are not only as prolific as Brian Volk-Weiss while still quality-centric.
Today there are no prophets like Jeremiah to issue warnings, but we are receiving increasingly dire warnings from climate scientists that now it is not just Jerusalem, but also the entire world that is threatened by climate change and its effects.
Whose job is it to define who I am? Is it an institution’s job or is it mine? In all the brouhaha over Critical Race Theory (CRT), this question is rarely asked.”;td_smart_list_h”;h1
The right to speak or write one’s mind is a messy but meaningful natural right, one worth affirming rather than censoring or cancelling.
It should come as no surprise that research from Foundation for Jewish Camp shows Jewish camp to be one of the most powerful forces for connecting young people to their Jewish identity.