VA GOP Rejects Religious Exemption to Convention Vote
The convention takes place on May 8, a Saturday, meaning that Jews who observe Shabbat would have no way of being able to vote without an absentee ballot.
The convention takes place on May 8, a Saturday, meaning that Jews who observe Shabbat would have no way of being able to vote without an absentee ballot.
Life in Kabul has been extremely dangerous and difficult for Simintov in the past couple of decades.
Second in a Six-Part Series by Larry Greenfield
Pomona College President G. Gabrielle Starr denounced the ASPC for holding the vote “without representation from any student opposition” and urged the ASPC to revisit the matter to ensure that all viewpoints are heard.
In the event, Ajlouny began by accusing Israel of being “created on a false premise of a land without people, through ethnic cleansing, massacres, and forcing over 700,000 Palestinian to flee.”
“As the United States meets pressing global challenges, we strongly believe that robust U.S. foreign assistance is vital to ensuring our national security interests abroad,” the letter stated.
Acting from the West Bank, the group – allegedly connected to Palestinian intelligence – used ‘low-sophistication malware’ to spy on its targets.