Jewish group on Brussels attacks: ‘Shots at the heart of Europe’
Jewish groups expressed shock and anger following a series of attacks that left at least 34 dead in the Belgian capital.
Jewish groups expressed shock and anger following a series of attacks that left at least 34 dead in the Belgian capital.
Do you know what European honchos were doing in Geneva recently even as the Islamic State was planning another terror attack on their continent? They were preparing yet another condemnation of Israel, this time with an ironic twist.
There are simple rules to throwing a cannabis seder, according to a new hagaddah invented for that purpose:
Growing up, trips to stay with my Jewish family in Brussels were a taste of freedom.
The sculptor Rodin was once asked how he would approach a likeness of the vibrant Theodore Roosevelt. He replied that his job was to get the blood flowing through the marble.
I was at European Union headquarters in Brussels last month, before moving on to Paris to discuss anti-Semitic hate crimes, terrorism and thwarting ISIS’ brilliant leveraging of social media.
Hear out Donald Trump. Ignore Donald Trump.
German police on Tuesday arrested three people in a car with a Belgian license plate near the border with Austria and launched an investigation into whether they had planned to carry out an attack, a police spokesman said.
A prominent Belgian activist against anti-Semitism called on his government to follow Israel’s lead in airport security after a series of attacks killed 34 people in Brussels.