January 29, 2010
David Cygielman found a need, his Moishe Houses fill it
David Cygielman was a sophomore at UC Santa Barbara, a business major and the energetic president of the school’s Hillel, when he found out his father didn’t have long to live.
Israel slams Goldstone ‘misrepresentations’ of internal probes into Gaza war
The big tent
In the early 1990s, when I started work as a Jewish journalist, there was a great fear in the land. Its name was intermarriage.\nThe 1990 National Jewish Population Survey had just been released, and its central finding — that 52 percent of U.S. Jews who had married in the previous five years had married non-Jews — greatly upset American Jewish leaders.
Launch party for TRIBE magazine
A launch party for TRIBE magazine at the Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village on Dec. 13 drew business leaders and representatives from such organizations as The Jewish Federation, American Society for Technion, Skirball Cultural Center and Salaam Shalom Educational Foundation.
Purim Particulars
WHAT IT IS:\nAs told in the biblical Book of Esther, the Purim story recounts how Haman, the chief minister to King Ahasuerus, plotted to destroy the Jews of Persia. In Shushan, capital of Persia, Haman cast lots (purim) that fixed the date of the Jews’ doom to 13 Adar. Esther, the king’s Jewish wife, was spurred on by her cousin Mordecai to intercede on the Jews’ behalf. The Jews were saved, Haman hanged and Purim became a festival for rejoicing.
Valley Singles Dish About Their Search for Love in the Days of JDate, Insta
I’m not a Torah scholar, but it seems to me Adam was a bachelor in Eden for about four minutes before God felt compelled to play matchmaker. It was the perfect fix-up because the element of choice was eliminated: Eve didn’t have to compete for Adam’s attention with thinner Eves, prettier Eves, Eves that “are comfortable in both high heels and sweatpants.” Adam also had it easy; there were no wealthier Adams, taller Adams, or funnier Adams a mouse click away. Adam’s hairline (and beard length) didn’t matter.