Lord of the Gingers
Now that our nation has observed “Kick a Ginger Day” and “Kick a Jew Day,” can “Kick a Liberal Day” be far behind?
Now that our nation has observed “Kick a Ginger Day” and “Kick a Jew Day,” can “Kick a Liberal Day” be far behind?
Israel and the United States seem closer than they have been for months on two key issues: peacemaking with the Palestinians and Iranian nuclear ambitions.
A recent survey by the Forward of 75 major American Jewish communal organizations found that fewer than one in six are run by women, and that those women are paid 61 cents to every dollar earned by a man. I was not surprised to read this, only saddened again by the realities of the Jewish community.A recent survey by the Forward of 75 major American Jewish communal organizations
It\’s time for noon prayers in the Israeli Arab city of Umm al-Fahm, and a jumble of sneakers piles up outside the doors of a mosque on the top floor of a private high school for the sciences.
Did comedian Yisrael Campbell convert to Judaism for the jokes? If so, he might have tried to avoid the three circumcisions he had to endure to become a member of the tribe.
Chelsea Clinton is engaged to marry her Jewish boyfriend of two years.
Prayers for the State of Israel and the welfare of Israeli soldiers were torn out of prayer books at the Western Wall.
The French comedian Dieudonne said he secured funding from Iran for films meant to “combat” Zionism in France.
Some 25 percent of military-age men do not join the Israeli army, Israel\’s Cabinet was told during a discussion on curbing draft evasion.
The Jewish Agency dropped El Al as its exclusive carrier to fly new immigrants to Israel.