
August 21, 2008

Jews recall Musharraf ties and wonder what comes next

In 2005, Musharraf addressed a Jewish gathering in New York, where he said Pakistan would establish ties with Israel after the Palestinians have a state. During that same visit, Musharraf shook hands with then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon at the U.N. General Assembly. Musharraf also is rumored to have exchanged letters of friendship with Israeli President Shimon Peres.

Pelosi pilloried, garden party for Israeli art and artists

Pelosi, on a break from her post as the first female Speaker of the House, landed at American Jewish University (AJU) on Aug. 11 to promote her new book, \”Know Your Power: A Message to America\’s Daughters\” (Doubleay). Faced with an acrimonious audience, one of Congress\’s most outspoken critics of the Bush administration was lambasted for opposing impeachment proceedings against the president

Quiet war on campus: Israel remains under attack despite fewer public protests

While she worked bringing pro-Israel speakers and programs to campuses, Davoodi also built up quite a collection of fliers claiming Zionists are the new Nazis, that the \’Israel lobby\’ has hijacked American foreign policy and the Jewish state is built on a mounds of lies and Palestinian bones.

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