Kosher Eats, Tasty Treats
"We don\’t do falafel or schwarma," said Avi Ben-Harouch while seated on a beige banquette in the elegant dining room of his new restaurant, Avi\’s Bistro in Agoura Hills.
"We don\’t do falafel or schwarma," said Avi Ben-Harouch while seated on a beige banquette in the elegant dining room of his new restaurant, Avi\’s Bistro in Agoura Hills.
A bombed-out building transformed into a discothèque; the central section of an apartment building that is bizarrely absent — these are just some of the visual images that preserve the memory of Berlin\’s complex and turbulent past.
On Sukkot, we eat and sleep in a hut called a sukkah.
Temple Ramat Zion Preschool in Northridge opened its first-ever kindergarten class this week.
Call up a Los Angeles City Council or Board of Supervisors office these days and you are likely to speak to someone called Adina, Adeena or Adena.
We need more stamps," a little boy yells. "How many cards do we have left?" asked a dark-haired woman. "I have more envelopes!" shouts a girl in a skirt.
All Hadassah members nationwide — and especially those in Southern California — wish to express their heartfelt condolences to Marlene Adler Marks\’ daughter, Samantha, and all of Marlene\’s family.
Over Labor Day weekend, I stared across the Israeli-Lebanese border at yellow Hezbollah flags and a large billboard with the horrifying image of a beheaded Israeli.
At least once a week, we hear reports of missing children. Some are found alive and others, tragically, dead.
Jonathan \”J.J.\” Greenberg, the executive director of the Jewish Life Network, died Saturday in Israel after his bicycle was struck by a car a day earlier.