
September 28, 2000

A Liberal Jewish Voice

Under the banner of \”A Jewish Voice in the Progressive Community – A Progressive Voice in the Jewish Community,\” the Progressive Jewish Alliance (PJA) has set up offices and hired its first executive director.

Sunday in the Park With Richard

Fiesta Shalom, the Latino Jewish Cultural Committee\’s Sept. 24 festival at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), attracted some 5,000 people over the course of the day, according to estimates by campus police.

Cousin Sima

In a perfect world, my cousin Sima and I would have grown up together. Almost exactly a year apart, we would have talked in secret code, tormented our younger siblings and giggled together at family seders. We would have shared our adolescent crushes and angst, and danced at each other\’s weddings.

Singled Out?

In light of several recent security snafus, Washington\’s intelligence community is clearly under pressure to tighten the cordon around sensitive material.

Making of a Jewish Candidate

What makes a Jewish candidate Jewish? Is it enough simply to be a member of the tribe, or does the term require a certain degree of commitment to Jewish culture, causes and teachings?

Running Out of Time

A group of Jewish women of all ages and backgrounds meets regularly in Brooklyn to discuss the domestic abuse they have suffered.

Rosh Hashanah in Frankfurt, Germany

On Friday, Sept. 7, 1945, 1800 hours, at the corner of Freiherr von Stein Strasse and Eppsteiner Strasse in Frankfurt-on-the-Main, a ceremony took place.

The Lion’s Roar

Anyone in the Old Country who still believes that Israel is a creamy \”blending of the exiles\” should get on the next plane to Ben-Gurion airport, hop a cab to Ma\’asiyahu prison in the nearby town of Ramle, and geb a kuk, as my grandmother used to say, at what\’s going on.

Profile of a Centrist Democrat

\”There is a greater recognition today that we need people of all faiths, all races, and that all the faiths and all the races have good people. So to me that\’s the key. And I think the more that percolates throughout the society, the better society we\’re going to be,\” said Dianne Feinstein.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.