
December 4, 1997

Hot Dresses for

Melanie Griffith and Annie Potts shop there. So do Blythe Danner and Gwyneth Paltrow. And so do dozens of Orthodox Jewish women.

Israel’s Best Weapon: Middle East Peace

Anger over the stalled Mideast peace process has clearlycontributed to Arab states\’ reluctance to help the United Statesdeter Saddam Hussein. That is one reason the United States is nowpressing Israel for a serious and credible plan for withdrawing fromthe West Bank, it has been widely reported. Yet the Israeligovernment and some hard-line American supporters not only mistakenlydeny the connection between the peace process and the maintenance ofan effective anti-Saddam coalition, but they also neglect the factthat such a coalition is in Israel\’s vital interests.

My First Trip to Israel

\”I know your relatives all think you\’re crazy, but we\’re gladyou\’re here,\” our tour guide, Zvi Lev-Ran, said as 36 tired Angelenospiled onto a bus after a 13-hour flight aboard a chartered El Al747-400 from Los Angeles. We were part of the largest mission eversponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles. More thanhalf of the 430 participants were first-timers, including myself.Having been born almost exactly one year after the birth of Israel,in 1948, it seemed fitting that I participate in this mission, whichwas timed to coincide with festivities launching the Jewish state\’sgolden anniversary celebration.

Updating the Marx Brothers

Left to right, Michael Preston, Paul Magid and Howard JayPatterson of The Flying Karamazov Brothers.\nAs a reward to all of us lowbrows for sitting through any numberof very serious, avant-garde dramas and trying to figure out thepsychological motivations of the characters, the Mark Taper Forum hasrelented and given us \”Room Service.\”

Reviving a Shul, One Goat at a Time

Note to future rabbis: If you want to make a lasting firstimpression with your congregants, nothing beats farm animals on thebimah. Just ask anyone at Temple Adat Shalom in West LosAngeles. It\’s been almost four months since Michael Resnick took overthere, and they\’re still talking about his goats.


Imagine that it is 1940, and Great Britain is fighting Hitler\’s Nazi Germany almost alone. Imagine, further, that an American who loves both America and England and hates the Nazis works in American intelligence and has access to secret files concerning Germany that, for whatever reason, the United States has not shared with Great Britain. This American gives the secrets to England and is caught.

Etz Jacob: The Shul that Could

Attention,anyone who was ever married or bar mitzvahed at Etz Jacob Congregation at 7659 Beverly Blvd.: The shul wants testimonials, photographs and memorabilia for an exhibit honoring its 80thanniversary. The temple is the oldest in Beverly-Fairfax, and, according to Rabbi Rubin Huttler, it\’s in large part responsible for creating the Jewish enclave around Fairfax Avenue.

Piggybacking on Jewish Suffering

What a peculiar piece of work is \”Bent.\” The film version of Martin Sherman\’s play, first presented on the London stage in 1979,and later on Broadway, has taken almost 20 years to come to the screen. It\’s not difficult to see why. Not only is it turgid stuff,with a paucity of unfilmable ideas, but in an industry that sometimes seems to specialize in specious history, it will be hard to match this one for irresponsibility.


Before Carl Reiner invented the \”Dick Van Dyke Show\” and thetemperamental, toupee-clad Alan Brady, before Mel Brooks was aYiddish-spouting Indian chief in \”Blazing Saddles,\” indeed, beforethe dawn of Christianity, there was The 2000 Year Old Man.

American Books and Jewish Identity

Tucked away in a collection of J.D. Salinger\’s\”Nine Short Stories\” is a work of fiction I\’ve always liked: \”Down at the Dinghy.\” When I read the story for the first time, maybe five years after it was first published (perhaps sometime in the early 1950s), the thought occurred to me that some mysterious sea change had taken place in our literary culture when I wasn\’t looking.

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