A Letter to Sarah
A Letter to Sarah
Has unremitting pressure on the Swiss government and its banks byAmerican Jewish organizations and supportive politicians becomecounterproductive, or will only constant prodding move the Swiss todo the right thing?
The 14th annual Israel Film Festival formally raised the curtain last week on its two-week program of 50 feature movies, documentaries, TV films and golden oldies with an opening-night gala at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
On the eve of his most testing American visit since he becamePrime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu was humiliated, live on prime-timetelevision, last Monday by the least likely of dissidents — theblue-collar ward party bosses of the Likud central committeeconvention.
Just when I thought the whole Jewishcommunity had swung to the right, I visited with lyricists Alan andMarilyn Bergman; it was music to my ears. This songwriting pair movesseamlessly from show business to activism, having won three Oscars,two Grammys and three Emmys for songs such as \”The Way We Were,\”\”Windmills of Your Mind\” and the score for \”Queen of the StardustBallroom\” while playing a strong behind-the-scenes role in nationalDemocratic Party politics. They take nothing for granted — not ahumane political climate, nor even each other. After 39 years ofmarriage, Alan, tall and dapper, instinctively rises to meet hiselegant partner\’s entrance into the room; he regards her kiss as agift, a pleasant surprise.
On a chilly autumn morning in late October, in a rooftop sukkahatop New York\’s Abraham Joshua Heschel School, a small group ofrabbis, Hebrew teachers and millionaire investors joined hands tomark what their leader called a \”defining point in American Jewishphilanthropy\”: an $18 million fund to help create new Jewish dayschools around the country, paid for by a \”partnership\” among a dozenof America\’s richest Jewish families.
Aish HaTorah\’s guest list includes many of Hollywood\’smost famous and influential players
Author Annie Reiner is tall, elegant, poised — and politelyexasperated when you ask about her famous father and brother.\n\nYou can hardly blame her: It\’s the umpteenth time she\’s beenasked.