One thing my refrigerator could always use more of, besides ice cream, is refrigerator magnets. But the free ones distributed by real estate agents and pizza delivery places are a bit of an eyesore. That’s why I like creating my own. They’re easy to customize with photos — or any image you want. They also make unique personalized gifts.
The foundation for these magnets is clear glass cabochons. They are domed on one side and flat on the other. And when you apply the image to the flat side, it is magnified through the glass. You can find cabochons at online retailers like Amazon, eBay and Etsy.
To make the magnets in this example, I found images online and printed them out on a laser printer. I don’t recommend using an inkjet printer because the ink tends to run when the paper comes in contact with the Mod Podge. And if you’ve never used — or even heard of — Mod Podge, it is a decoupage medium similar to white glue that adheres and seals paper onto various surfaces. It’s available at crafts stores.
What you’ll need:
Round glass cabochons, about 1 inch in diameter
Mod Podge
Adhesive magnets
1. Cut images with scissors so they are about the same size as the cabochons. They can even be a little larger, as we will trim them later.
2. Apply a layer of Mod Podge to the flat side of the cabochon with a paintbrush.
3. Press the image onto the flat side of the cabochon where the Mod Podge was applied. Let it dry.
4. Trim any excess paper that extends past the edge of the cabochon.
5. Apply another layer of Mod Podge to the back side of the cabochon to seal in the image.
6. Cut a piece of adhesive magnet and adhere it to the back side of the cabochon.
Jonathan Fong is the author of “Flowers That Wow” and “Parties That Wow,” and host of “Style With a Smile” on YouTube. You can see more of his do-it-yourself projects at jonathanfongstyle.com.