Dear all,
This is the Hebrew month of Elul, the last month in the Jewish year 5782. In these weeks preceding the Jewish New Year, we make time to reflect on our journeys over this past year in hopes to enter 5783 refreshed and repurposed.
We often talk about having completed a cycle, , having come “full circle.”
But is coming full circle really a goal?
In truth, we DON’T want to end up where we began. Rather than finding ourselves back at the beginning of the cycle, our hope is that we will have ascended one rung on a spiral. From this vantage, we can move forward with new perspective – and hopefully additional wisdom.
And so we ask questions:
How have I grown this year?
What experiences have motivated me to act differently?
Where will I focus my energy next year?
Who will be at my side?
When will I nurture a moment in time to recognize God’s voice?
Let’s ascend this circle as individuals and as a community!
With love and shalom,
Rabbi Zach Shapiro