
Personal Voice

The Message of Mussar

Alan Morinis on the personal meltdown he suffered after the highly successful film company he had built went bust.

A ‘Barbaric’ Act

Was Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl killed because he was Jewish?.

A Hero’s Struggles

\n\”Once you\’ve tasted fame. It\’s very difficult to live without it.\”

The Man Behind the JDL

In the FBI\’s dossier he is listed as Irving David Rubin, 56, a self-described conservative Republican, Air Force veteran, married for 21 years and the father of two children.

The Many Faces Of One God

Religion is multifaceted. The task of every responsible religious observer is to sort out the healthy from the unhealthy elements within faith, to distinguish the moral from the immoral aspects of belief.

Redefining Beauty

\”Why don\’t we f— this audition and I\’ll play you right now for the part?\” she said. \”If I lose, you\’ll never see me again. But if I win, I walk out of here with the script.\”

Childhood’s Sweet Sharp Imprint

It is summer, a long time ago, and I am lying on a terrace overlooking an ancient garden full of rosebushes and fruit trees. The days have been so hot, the asphalt on the sidewalk melts under my feet if I dare step out of the house. At night, the temperature drops. My sisters and I take the hose to the yard and stand there as the day\’s heat rises out of the brick floor in a cloud of white steam. My mother spreads our bed on the terrace, and we crawl into it, hours before we can actually fall asleep. We thrash about in the cool sheets that smell of dust, summer and lavender bleach; listen to the music that drifts up from our grandmother\’s radio downstairs; eat fresh mulberries we have picked from the tree in our own yard.

Words, Blessed Words

I\’m not usually at a loss for words, it is true, but something about a library, about speaking there during Women\’s History Month, strikes a nerve and resonates deeper than usual.

My Best Teacher

There will be one empty seat at our seder table this year. Blanche Wadleigh Bettington, who has helped us celebrate the Jewish people\’s liberation from Egypt since my college-age daughter was a baby, passed away on March 1.

Tough Jews

As twilight descended upon the forest of Ponar, Rich Cohen gazed upon the green canyons where the Vilna Jews died in the Shoah. He took photographs of the treetops, thinking of a survivor who had stared at the same trees while feigning death in one of the mass graves. \”I knew that the roots of everything growing were in ashes,\” says Cohen, the 32-year-old author of the Jewish-gangster tome, \”Tough Jews.\”

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.