

Happy 53

Some birthdays are better than others, and number 53 is especially tough for Israel.

Chinese Box

So there\’s a fairy-tale wedding: a thousand guests in a flower-filled ballroom, a dozen violins playing Mozart, a grainy-voiced singer belting out an old Persian love song. The bride is 20 years old and ravishing, of course, but she\’s also blessed with charm and charisma, the kind of exuberance that turns heads and drags stares behind her. She\’s been breaking hearts since she was 14 years old and walked into a cousin\’s wedding in a frilly white dress and a wide lace headband. Now she dances on stage, next to the singer with the forlorn music, and the crystal beads on her wedding gown glow like fireflies in the dark.

Was FDR to Blame?

Scholars will doubtless continue to debate Franklin Roosevelt\’s actions — and inaction — regarding the Holocaust. What did he know? When did he know it? Didn\’t he care, or did he really believe that the best and quickest way to help the Jews was, as he repeatedly argued, to win the war?

FDR’s Holocaust of Inaction

FDR died on April 12, 1945. I was 11 years old and heard the news on the radio in the bird store, where I was buying seed for my little canary.

Wolpe’s Hurricane

Reality bites. So thousands of people in the Los Angeles Jewish community learned last week after Rabbi David Wolpe got up on his pulpit, opened his mouth and unleashed a storm.

Draining the Swamps

It is a truth nearly universally acknowledged in Israel and the United States that we offered the Palestinians peace, and they chose bloodshed. More Jews and Arabs are killed almost daily. Clearly this situation is untenable. How to end it?

The Jewish Tax

Every April 15, we are reminded that many of the things we hold dear literally don\’t come cheap. Democracy demands its pound of flesh, or its 30 percent, and on Tax Day the bill comes due.

Strangers at the Feast

My worst Passover was my first in Los Angeles, more than half a lifetime ago. I had nowhere to go the first night, and the second night, a college friend took me to an institutional seder that was so sterile and faceless that I went home early and, paraphrasing Scarlett O\’Hara, vowed, \”As God is my witness, I\’ll never go without a seder again.\”

Preparing for War

A time for peace and a time for war. Most talk, for years, has been about peace, but there\’s war talk in Israel now. At least one independent intelligence agency is predicting a regional war this spring, and nobody is offering credible deniability. The Palestinians have been smuggling weapons into the country — mortars, anti-tank weapons, heavy machine guns, who knows what else. The stuff comes into Gaza through tunnels from Egypt or sneaked past Israeli naval patrols along the coast. It\’s not Jordan they\’re gunning for, at least not to start.

Is Demography Destiny?

The new U.S. census figures have generated banner headlines this month, though no one seems to have a clue what those numbers portend. The big news, of course, is that America\’s Latino population has ballooned almost 60 percent in the past decade, surpassing 35 million. More than 43 percent of Californians younger than 18 are now Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago. In both the city and county of Los Angeles, Latinos have replaced whites as the largest ethnic group.

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