Art Imitating Life for Mystery Writer
The idea for Rochelle Majer Krich\’s new mystery, \”Blood Money,\” goes back to the day she discovered some startling photographs in her parents\’ china closet.
The idea for Rochelle Majer Krich\’s new mystery, \”Blood Money,\” goes back to the day she discovered some startling photographs in her parents\’ china closet.
Something has happened to \”Cabaret\” on its way to the Wilshire Theatre in Los Angeles.
The next time you want to glimpse a bit of Hollywood history, check out the video of that wonderful 1940s John Garfield film, \”Body and Soul,\” which was written by Abraham Polonsky and directed by Robert Rossen.
On a warm summer day last year, Marc Alexander stood before a plaque on the old apartment building at 49 Smoke Street in Berlin, thinking of his grandfather.
Cult filmmaker Sarah Jacobson can one-up any L.A. Jewish reader who felt like an outcast in high school.
When Roberto Benigni won the grand prize at Cannes for his Holocaust tragicomedy, \”Life is Beautiful,\” he rushed to the stage and kissed the feet of juror Martin Scorsese.
What moviegoer can forget the scene: a graduation party around a Beverly Hills swimming pool, where a callow, young graduate named Benjamin Braddock gets a little career advice — one word: \”Plastics.\”
The dynamics of the boiler room have levels of exploitation. While it functions as a concerted effort to part suckers from their money, the brokers are often not fully conscious of the complexity of the scam.
Before moving to Los Angeles, Vogler lived in Krakow, where he directed and produced documentary films. His life as a Jew in Poland was rather sedate.
Playwright Paula Vogel grew up in suburban Maryland, where the country clubs did not accept her Jewish father.