

Hollywood’s Boy

Looking studiously at the floor during a recent interview, Ben Stiller came off less the Hollywood \”It\” dude than the cute, shy guy you had a crush on at Jewish summer camp.

Coming of Age

Like many Merchant Ivory films, \”Soldier\’s Daughter\” explores the conflict of cultures and the pressures experienced by protagonists living in exile.

Under Siege

\”Soleil\” will debut here at the Director\’s Guild on Oct. 28, the gala opening of the second annual Los Angeles Sephardic Film Festival, sponsored by the Sephardic Educational Center.


Documentary focuses on spiritual transformation of Rodger Kamenetz

The Arts

When Steven Spielberg first saw Adam Goldberg in the television series \”Relativity,\” the director scribbled a three-word memo to himself: \”intense, funny, Jewish.\”

The Arts

Lisa Cholodenko\’s edgy debut film, \”High Art,\” won a screenwriting award at Sundance and made the Directors Fortnight at Cannes.

Life’s Dualities

In \”Anima,\” the center of Sam and Iris\’ livesis a surreal play about ghetto life starring Sam\’s stuffedcreations.

Celebrating Israel’s50th

The peace process is stalled, pluralism issues remain unresolved and the Netanyahu government is in turmoil. But organizers of a major, star-studded 50th anniversary tribute to Israel later this year are focusing their attention on celebration, not contention. Indeed, a rare in-gathering of major Hollywood celebrities, Jewish communal officals and organizational leaders has come together to mark Israel\’s first half century.

Making an Impact

In a world normally reserved for men, Mimi Lederhas achieved remarkable success. Chosen by Steven Spielberg to direct two of his DreamWorks studio\’s first features, she is making a name for herself as a talented action-entertainment director.

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