The Democratic Hangover and America’s Truth
Who knew that when it came to sheer raucousness, the Democrats could actually outdo Teamsters and Shriners?
Thane Rosenbaum is a novelist, essayist, law professor and Distinguished University Professor at Touro University, where he directs the Forum on Life, Culture & Society. He has written numerous works of fiction and nonfiction and hundreds of essays in major national and global publications. He is the legal analyst for CBS News Radio and appears on cable TV news programs. His most recent book is entitled “Saving Free Speech . . . from Itself.”
Who knew that when it came to sheer raucousness, the Democrats could actually outdo Teamsters and Shriners?
Back-to-school shopping this year includes a wide selection of Kevlar vests and an assortment of paramilitary gadgets and gear. Pepper spray is positively de rigueur. Keffiyeh scarves are being sold at student bookstores.
Now, with the world positively seething with rage against Israel, and holding global Jewry accountable, Poland, improbably, reveals itself as a promised land outside of Israel.
Identity politics doesn’t welcome everyone. It plays favorites.
The spectacle in our nation’s capital last week was sickening.
As a general rule, populism, nationalism, and large cheering crowds have never been a welcome sight for Jews.
Trump dodged a bullet, literally, but Biden, figuratively, has so many knives sticking out from his back, his campaign is looking a lot like elder abuse, replete with Shakespearean betrayals worthy of summer stock.
We once believed in American Exceptionalism; now such declarations are proof-positive of American imperialism, war-mongering, and promiscuous meddling in foreign affairs.
Watching President Joe Biden debate former President Donald Trump was a master class in American mediocrity.
When the law fails to do its job, the morality of self-help presents itself as a viable option. Something, after all, must be done.