Picture of Thane Rosenbaum

Thane Rosenbaum

Thane Rosenbaum is a novelist, essayist, law professor and Distinguished University Professor at Touro University, where he directs the Forum on Life, Culture & Society. He has written numerous works of fiction and nonfiction and hundreds of essays in major national and global publications. He is the legal analyst for CBS News Radio and appears on cable TV news programs. His most recent book is entitled “Saving Free Speech . . . from Itself.”

Beware Fake Jews

An AI-generated video intended to rebuff a bigoted rapper only plays into the delusions of antisemites everywhere. Beware attributing intelligence within the artificial. When images are deliberately fake, it invites distorted truths.

The Consequence of Saying Too Many No’s

After the sickening evidence produced on October 7, Trump is the first world leader to take a hard and honest look at Gaza and conclude: These people, right now, are just destined to detonate. Let’s build something, instead.

Bibi’s Bind

Bibi is in a bind. Israel needs to see the return of some hostages: especially the elderly and children. But he also wants to retain his new title as Winston Churchill reincarnate—a far more heroic legacy than being remembered for the national security debacle that was October 7.

The Judeo-Christian Ties That Bind

We are now living through very delicate and confusing multiethnic and anti-Western times. The solidarity between Christians and Jews has never been more important.

The Magical Middle East Makeover

October 7 will go down in history as a red-letter date, but not just for Israelis. Everything is now changed by the aftermath of that fateful October.

The Ivy League of Extraordinary Antisemites

Decorum went from black tie to black eye. There was no greater evidence of the alarming decline of Western civilization. And at Oxford, of all places, which imagines itself as its cradle.


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