Picture of Michael Berenbaum

Michael Berenbaum

Michael Berenbaum is director of the Sigi Ziering Institute and a professor of Jewish Studies at American Jewish University.

The Bigger Picture

\”The Holocaust: A History\” DebĂłrah Dwork and Robert Jan van Pelt (New York: W.W. Norton and Company, $27.95).

There is great modesty — appropriate to the subject and to the stage of our knowledge — in the title of this work: \”The Holocaust: A History.\” Deborah Dwork and Robert Jan Van Pelt recognize that with a subject so complex there are many ways of writing the history of the Holocaust — they have chosen but one way — but their choice is certainly defensible and comprehensive. Their history of the Holocaust is not only worthy of note; it is worthy of the subject.

A Jewish World Without Denominations

A new president of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) was inaugurated in a moving ceremony held Oct. 13 in the ornate Plum Street Temple in downtown Cincinnati.

Expressions of Evil

While not every piece is to my liking, every work in the show has a point.

An Enabler of Genocide

Edwin Black\’s new book, \”IBM and the Holocaust\” (Crown) has generated significant interest. Full-page advertisements in the New York Times and other prestigious newspapers and interviews on the \”Today Show\” and other prominent television programs have all been part of its marketing program. Despite its many substantial problems, the work is important.

Rescuing the Spiritual Elite

The Response of Orthodox Jewry in the United States to the Holocaust: The Activities of Vaad-Ha-Hatzala Rescue Committee, 1933-1945, Efraim Zuroff, Yeshiva University Press, 316 pages, $39.50

Promoting Holocaust Denial

There is an eerie consistency to the mishandling of the David Irving story in the Los Angeles Times, which again on May 30, as on January 7, allowed itself to be used as a propaganda instrument for Holocaust denial.


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