Ellie Kahn

Facing mortality at Yom Kippur
Regardless of our race, religion, gender or age, we all have something in common: We’re all going to die.
Father’s Day: A model of involvement
“My father was always very kind and connected to his family.\”
Father’s Day: Sending love from the bimah
“I didn’t have the same kind of childhood that my friends had. My father was young when he was taken from his parents and sent into forced labor during the Shoah, leaving an indelible impact on him his entire life.
Father’s Day: Down-to-Earth role model rabbi
“The most outstanding memory I have of my father is the way he greeted people.\”
A Celebration of Dad
I called my 94-year-old father in Ohio on July 9. I told him how much I loved him, that he was the most wonderful father ever, that I would miss him, and that it was OK for him to let go.
Controlling who shall live and who shall die … and when
He sleeps while I sit by his side. Every so often, Dad wakes up, and looks with some confusion around his small room, at the hospital bed, the TV and the whiteboard where someone has printed in large letters: “Today is WEDNESDAY, Aug. 3, 2011. Your daughter Ellie is coming this morning.”