Picture of Chaim Steinmetz

Chaim Steinmetz

Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz is the Senior Rabbi of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York.

Korach: Hatred or Unity

For the first 1,750 years of exile, there were no instances of ideological violence. However, that changed in 1848 with the murder of Rabbi Abraham Kohn.

What Roots Can Do

Herzl desperately wanted a return to Israel and Israel only. What motivated Herzl to adjust his plans was a shocking spike in European antisemitism.

It’s Time for the Anti-Selfie

We are best pulling back on all the layers of fake imagery to see what the person truly is; even if that looks less impressive, authenticity is far more inspiring.

Listening for a Divine Echo

When will God speak to us? First, we might want to consider how carefully we are listening, because a bit of wonder changes what one can hear.

For God’s Sake, Get Vaccinated

Jewish law gives the highest priority to safety and health, and it requires everyone to take advantage of this potentially life-saving shot.

Disabilities and Divine Eyeglasses

This week, when I read the Parsha, I will put on my divine eyeglasses. I will see everyone around me differently and give them the love and respect they truly deserve.


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