Picture of Blake Flayton

Blake Flayton

Jenin: Corruption and Carelessness

It is worth analyzing how Jenin serves as a microcosm for the entire conflict, and how corruption and carelessness on both sides threatens to turn even the streets of Tel Aviv into a civilizational brawl. 

Jewish Anti-Zionism is White Saviorism

To understand why, we must explore the cornerstones of Jewish anti-Zionism: the assumptions and assertions that often if not always characterize its structure. 

Wedding at Wannsee

Perhaps the most dramatic moment of a trip to Berlin gave way to the most significant moment of contemplation.

Herzl, Past and Future

It is my full intention to keep writing about Herzl, simply because, as I have discovered, Israelis can’t seem to stop talking about him.

Benzion Netanyahu’s Legacy

Netanyahu’s purpose was merely to expose what was, certainly at this time in history, left unexamined: the deeply personal contradictions of American Jewry.


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