

Are Jews Right ?

My son Gershom just graduated from Brandeis University, and my wife and I traveled 3,500 miles, of course, to hear his address, as class speaker, to a throng in excess of 5,000 people. (He received a standing ovation.)

The Day After

Over the past two decades, Israel has slowly and painfully learned a whole degree course of lessons from its adventures in Lebanon.

All Fall Down

The Israeli security zone in Lebanon was that kind of a place – slightly makeshift, slightly madcap, part killing field, part theater of the absurd, a place where everything goes and everything went.

Barak Under Fire

When Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak travels to the United States for meetings May 21-23, he\’ll leave behind faltering peace talks, a government in jeopardy and violent flare-ups with the Palestinians.

The Greatest Gift

During the Passover holiday I went on a picnic with family and friends.

Where the Heart Is

Take a minute and build your dream house. What does it look like? How big is it? What do the doorknobs look like? The staircase? How many bedrooms are there? What kinds of flowers are in the yard?

Early Withdrawal?

Israel\’s leaders are losing whatever faith they may have had in Hafez Assad. They are no longer convinced that the Syrian president has made a strategic choice for peace.

Finally, the Solution?

\”We have just completed a very good meeting. I feel we have revitalized the peace process,\” Clinton said after Tuesday\’s meeting, which took place amid commemorations in the Norwegian capital of the fourth anniversary of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

Middle East Peace Through Music

Can music be a catalyst for peace in the Middle East? His Holiness the Dalai Lama thinks so, and he\’s not alone.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.