

The Golan Debate Reaches New Heights

Rosh Hashanah may be a time of year when Jews around the world pray for peace, but for the 16,000 Jewish residents of the Golan Heights, those prayers were somewhat more difficult to recite this year.

What’s Happened Since the Handshake?

Six years after the historic Rabin-Arafat handshake on the White House lawn, the Palestinians can point to a mixed bag of results from the Oslo peace process.

Not Alone

This column is directed to a real-life young woman I\’ll call Heather, who\’s enrolled in the conversion program at the University of Judaism.

Nation Briefs

From the beginning, there were clear indications of the kind of year that lay ahead.

Illusion and Reality

At times our perception of reality is altered radically; in effect, new facts force us to reexamine our assumptions no less than our illusions.

Mother’s Day Peace at Last

While perhaps not as violent as the wars in the Balkans or the Mideast, the domestic wars between Jewish mothers and daughters has been painful in its own right, deeply entrenched in our psychological makeup.

Moe’s Juggling Act

Identity becomes destiny. As Bosnian ambassador to the United Nations for nearly a decade, Mohamed Sacirbey now plays a unique role as a bridge between the disparate worlds that shaped him.

Israeli Election: Who Cares?

Israeli voters go to the polls on May 17 in what could be the most critical election in the young nation\’s history.

Oh What a Lovely War

You\’ll pardon me for a moment if I interject a personal note here. But I have a son who is heading off soon to Albania with the expectation (which I share) we will soon send ground troops into Kosovo to save most of the people there.

An Arab Prime Minister?

For the first time ever, an Arab citizen of Israel is running for prime minister. He is first-term Knesset member Azmi Bishara, one of the leading intellectuals in the Arab world, and one of the most provocative politicians of any ethnicity in Israel.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.