
steven spielberg

Hollywood conflicted on candidates as California primary date nears

Steven Spielberg, arguably Hollywood\’s most influential citizen, co-hosted a fund-raiser early last year that netted $2.1 million for Hillary Rodham Clinton\’s presidential campaign.\n\nA few weeks later, Spielberg joined DreamWorks partners Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen in throwing a fund-raiser for Barack Obama, Clinton\’s chief rival for the Democratic nod, that yielded $2.2 million.\n\nSpielberg has since formally endorsed Clinton and given the U.S. senator from New York the maximum donation of $2,300. But he has also contributed the same amount to Obama, a U.S. senator from Illinois, and the primary campaigns of Democrats John Edwards and Bill Richardson — who has since dropped out of the race.


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Even with Republican sponsors and a largely Republican audience, the panelists at a recent discussion on Steven Spielberg\’s \”Munich\” covered most of the spectrum from left to right.

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