
state department

U.S. State Dept. to study Saudi texts

The U.S. State Department is launching a study of Saudi textbooks to determine their reach and whether they promote intolerance.

State Dept. funding study of Israeli, Palestinian incitement in textbooks

The U.S. State Department is funding a $500,000 study to examine incitement in Israeli and Palestinian textbooks. The study is analyzing textbooks used by Israeli and Palestinian schoolchildren to see how they characterize the other side and topics like religion and history, the Forward reported. It was commissioned by the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land, a Jerusalem-based organization of Islamic, Jewish and Christian religious leaders.

State Dept. warns against sea travel to Gaza

The U.S. State Department \”strongly urged\” Americans not to travel to Gaza — a warning aimed at Americans joining a flotilla to break Israel\’s naval blockade of the coastal strip.

State Department condemns West Bank mosque torching

The United States condemned the torching of a West Bank mosque. \”This attack is the latest of several such acts of violence against West Bank mosques. These incidents have served to undermine efforts to promote a comprehensive peace in the region. We call on the Israeli government to investigate this attack and bring the perpetrators to justice, and for calm from all parties,\” said Mark Toner, deputy spokesperson for the U.S. State Department.

U.S. won’t participate in Durban III, State Dept. says

The United States will not participate in Durban III, this September, the State Department said. In a letter to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Joseph E. Macmanus, acting assistant secretary for legislative affairs, confirmed the United States would not attend the conference, which in its previous iterations has been a forum for anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment.

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