

Aging: A Jewish Community Issue

When I first met Sarah, she was bent over her walker intently making her way through the gardens of the Los Angeles Jewish Home for the Aging (JHA). While her steps were merely a shuffle, her brown eyes were lively.

I often walk through our Grancell Village and Eisenberg Village campuses to visit with our 800 residents. I frequently ask the question: \”What makes the Jewish Home Jewish?\”

Sarah had a ready answer.

Who Will Care for Our Aging Adults?

Life isn\’t so easy for Genia Cohen. The 68-year-old widow lives in a low-income apartment in Hollywood. She finds it difficult to get together with her sister, her only living relative in the area, who\’s also suffering from the aches and pains of age.

California Jews Lobby for Medi-Cal

Nearly 200 Jews descended on Sacramento this week to lobby California\’s most powerful politicians to protect major programs that serve the poorest and frailest Jews and other Californians from the budget ax.

A Wish Is Granted

NORCs have cropped up around the country, with an estimated 5,000 now dotting the U.S. As the population grays — an estimated 75 million Americans will be over 55 in 2010 — the number of NORCs is expected to jump, said Andrew Kochera, senior policy advisor at AARP in Washington.

Caring Across the Miles

At the best of times, caregiving involves a certain amount of stress, but often, the anxiety is compounded when there are many miles between the caregiver and care recipient.

Stepping Out

Time does move on. When Irwin Greenfield\’s wife died 16 years ago, he figured he had two choices: either stay alone behind closed doors curled up on his couch or get out and mingle with the rest of the world. He chose the latter, and he hasn\’t looked back.

Seniors Have Lots of Class

Sonia Mittleman\’s class schedule would make most high school students jealous. The school she attends does not give grades, has no penalty for tardiness and assigns no homework.

Jewish Aging Crisis Looms

With the number of Jewish elderly expected to soar over the coming decade, leaders at the national and local levels realize they must move beyond traditional methods of caring for the elderly to develop new plans and policies.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.