

Genetic research can open book on Jewish identity — for good and bad

Critics fear that Jewish genetic research also opens a Pandora\’s box. The discovery of a shared genetic marker among men who claim to be descended from Kohanim grew into wild, exaggerated claims in the media that geneticists had confirmed the story of Aaron

Hope breeds strength

The French now understand that Obama\’s election will set off a long overdue debate about the status of minority communities within their own nation. Why, people are asking, are there not more minority members of the national legislative bodies?

But he’s a Muslim!

The Muslim issue is a way to talk about race without talking about race, and without having to squirm about saying that race is not an issue.

How to judge judges on judgment (election) day

\”Every election, I get calls from around 15 people asking my advice on how to vote in specific judicial races,\” said Wapner, whose son, Fred, is a current judge

Diversity lost

Are we electing a candidate based on his or her ability to lead the country, or are we crowning a king who looks good in pictures and who is above criticism, examination and challenge?

African-American pilots over Auschwitz

Last week, President Bush remarked that the United States should have bombed the Auschwitz death camp in 1944. Next week, Americans will commemorate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. and the struggle for Civil Rights. What do these two occasions have in common? More than one might think.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.