

Uncovering Rampart

Does it stop at the individual policemen in the Rampart Division? Or does it spread elsewhere in the Los Angeles Police Department?

Orthodox Community Protests Police Shooting

Hundreds of strictly Orthodox Jews took to the streets of Brooklyn, N.Y., this week to protest the fatal shooting by police officers of an emotionally disturbed member of the community.

David Kalish: A Caring Voice

\”As a Jew, I felt an extreme amount of anger and outrage that Jews had been attacked,\” says Kalish, 46. \”I also felt frustration, as a police officer, that we knew the identity of the suspect, but we hadn\’t yet caught up with him. Yet I did feel a certain amount of optimism and relief that so many people had come together to address the issue.\”

Violence Strikes Home

Whether you live in Colorado, Georgia or California, one thing is certain about life in America today: The violence that seems to be forever happening somewhere else will eventually strike home. You might have thought the shootings and bombings and beatings were always, thankfully, taking place elsewhere. But what they have really been doing is circling closer.

Berkeley Comes to Israel

At the beginning of this week, dozens of Israeli university students entered the third week of their hunger strike. The country\’s 175,000 university students entered the second month of their strike from classes. Along the way students have been clubbed and even horsewhipped by police. They\’ve blocked major intersections in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa. At times some have even demonstrated in the nude.

Police Get Lessons on Jewish Observance

The citywide program was instituted several years ago by the Jewish Federation\’s Jewish Community Relations Committee at the request of a police officer.


\”Where was God during the Holocaust?\” For a moment, there was silence. Three Los Angeles rabbis sat before a group of German theology students in the Berliner Dom church, waiting for their answer. \”It is a question many Jews have asked,\” said Rabbi Lawrence Goldmark, 55, president of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California, during a recent German-government-sponsored visit. \”Have you confronted this question yourselves?\”

Cops and Chassids

Rachmiel Steinberg is a \”Bostoner\” Chassid, but, he quips, he is also the Los Angeles Police Department\’s \”show-and-tell rabbi.\” That\’s because the Yavneh Hebrew Academy teacher has taken on some unusual students lately: officers of the LAPD\’s Wilshire Division.

A Russian Godfather?

To the general Israeli public, the \”Lerner Affair\” reveals the frightening tentacles of the Russian mafia in Israel, and the danger it poses to this country\’s economic and political system. To many in the Russian immigrant community, however, the Lerner Affair is a case of harassment — a high-profile attempt by the established Israeli \”elite\” to cast all Russian immigrants as criminals.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.