

Letters to the editor: ACA, mitzvot, fair trade chocolate and Noble Prizes

In “No Faith, No Jewish Future” (Nov. 6), Dennis Prager has it backward. The assiduous practice of mitzvot results in recognition of their foundation, not visa versa. Halachic adherence remains the key to growth in Orthodox Judaism. A 3-year-old child learns what we do, i.e., wear tzitzit, when he puts them on and recites a bracha.

The Obamacare Apocalypse

Last week, a professor of physics and astronomy told The New York Times that the probability of an asteroid hitting the earth —- it happened over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in February, with the energy of 30 Hiroshimas —- isn\’t once in a century or two, it\’s once in a decade or two. It\’s only a matter of time before a Sarah Palin names these death rocks \”Obamacare asteroids.\”

Obamacare: Glitches or death spiral?

It’s not easy to wrap your mind around a complex program like Obamacare, which features 381,517 words in its actual bill and 11,588,500 more words in added regulations.

My lunch with a Los Angeles Tea Partier

Of the 3,977 angry e-mails I received last week, one stood out. “I am a Jew, a member of Temple Emanuel in Los Angeles, and the founder of the largest local, grass-roots Tea Party group in Los Angeles called the Hancock Park Patriots,” Mark Sonnenklar wrote.

Lewis Black’s ‘Rant’ is due in Thousand Oaks

It’s been a great year for Lewis Black. There was the budget sequestration, the government shutdown and the fierce debates once again over Obamacare. Politicians left and right have been acting like nitwits, and Congress has proved its incompetence over and over again.

Congress ends default threat, Obama signs debt bill

Congress approved an 11th-hour deal to end a partial government shutdown and pull the world\’s biggest economy back from the brink of a historic debt default that could have threatened financial calamity on Wednesday.

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