

The Synagogue Makes the Woman

When Muriel Zollman decided to study beginning Hebrew with Rabbi Sally Olins at Temple B\’nai Hayim in Sherman Oaks a couple of years ago, it was only so she could follow the prayers during services like everyone else in her family.

True Tales of the Tribe’s Rockers

With chapters organized by decades, \”Stars\” devotes chapters to some shopworn but necessary rock pioneers — Jerry Leiber, Mike Stoller, Bob Dylan, Roth — as well as more eclectic entries: late T-Rex frontman Marc Bolan, Lee Oskar of WAR and Phish bassist Mike Gordon, suddenly topical after he was arrested Aug. 16 and charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.

Down to the Wire

I\’ve had a good time being engaged. People are really nice to you. Strangers wish you \”Congratulations!\” and \”Mazel tov!\” Thank you, everyone. As the date has gotten closer, I noticed that people go a little bit insane when I tell them, \”I\’m getting married — on Thursday.\” They all seem to think that I should be doing something. What, exactly, I don\’t know. Baking a cake, maybe.

Making Dyslexia Funny

T he Fonz was the ultimate of cool on "Happy Days," but in real life Henry Winkler struggled through school. Winkler and his parents — who called him stupid and lazy — didn\’t know that he was dyslexic until he was diagnosed at age 30.

A Mitzvah for Ayelet

Last year on the seventh of Av, my cousin, Ayelet, was traveling on bus No. 189 from B\’nei B\’rak to Emanuel with her 10-month-old twin daughters, her 2-year-old son and her mother.

Seek the Right Motivation for Fetes

Meet Lorne Hughes, a young non-Jewish gentleman from the Virgin Islands clad in a form-fitting black outfit, who \”regularly spends his weekends dancing with 13-year-olds at bar mitzvahs,\” according to an article that appeared in The New York Times on May 30, 2003.

An Unorthodox View of Who’s Orthodox

I want to respond to my observant friends who have asked me to answer this question: What can they take from a Jew who doesn\’t believe the Torah is the word of God and who feels no need or obligation to follow His commandments? What can they take from that \”truth\”?

B’nai Mitzvah Bond With Israel

Medical oncologist Dr. Daniel Lieber reached a breaking point two years ago. Israel\’s poor economic state had him so concerned that he began moonlighting as a volunteer for State of Israel Bonds Development Corporation for Israel (DCI), primarily trying to induce doctors to invest their pension money.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.