

‘Shrek 2’ Writer Gets His Happy Ending

Before David Weiss came to Hollywood as a 24-year-old screenwriter hopeful, the elders of his church put their hands on him to entrust him with a Godly mission.

New UJ ‘Tradition’ Starts

Tevye, Tzeitel, Golde and all the other memorable characters of "Fiddler on the Roof" graced the big screen at the University of Judaism (UJ) on Sunday, April 25, but it was the audience who stole the show.

Spiritual Cleaning

There\’s something very ironic about Pesach. Why is it that getting ready to celebrate our liberation from slavery involves so much hard work?

Vote No on 57, 58: They Erode Duty

A 55 percent vote still requires a larger majority to pass our budget than 47 other states and the federal government. Arkansas and Rhode Island are the only other states that currently require a two-thirds vote to pass a budget.

Out of Africa, Into the Valley

When his father was arrested for building a sukkah at a time when Idi Amin had outlawed Judaism in Uganda, Gershom Sizomu paid the arresting scout five goats for his father\’s freedom.

A Gift From Santa’s Jewish Helpers

In the sleeper hit \”Elf,\” Buddy (Will Ferrell) is a lovable\nchildlike oaf, raised by elves, who returns to New York to find his real father\nand spread Christmas cheer. It\’s a hip, witty, charming fairy tale that, like\nmuch of Christmas cinema, was created by Jews.

Read Your Way to Cultural Literacy

Julie Sandorf recalls her immigrant grandparents telling her that they learned to be Americans at the public library, where they improved their English and learned more about American culture.

Jewish Folk Art Gets Contemporary Cut

Feathery palm trees, swaying dancers, and butting rams are untraditional focal points in the contemporary Jewish papercuts of artist Deborah Heyman.

In reinterpreting this nearly lost, venerable Jewish folk art tradition, Heyman, of Irvine, finds inspiration and content for her own creations in the personal upheavals and simple pleasures of a modern life.

Finding Community

Like many unaffiliated Angelenos between 30 and marriage, I face a problem every Rosh:

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.