

Israelis in Orange County

Violence in Israel, instead of creating community among the area\’s fragmented expatriates, generates emotional shockwaves that turn them into news junkies.

Federations Answer the Call

In a campaign reminiscent of one undertaken during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, when Israel\’s survival was at stake, the North American federation system is hoping to raise hundreds of millions of dollars for Israel in the coming months.

Robert Schrayer, chair of the United Jewish Appeal Federation Campaign of the United Jewish Communities (UJC), said the situation in Israel now \”may be even more drastic than things were in 1973.\”

\”It\’s different because it\’s a different kind of conflict, but just as serious, if not more so,\” he said.

World Briefs

Two U.N. observers were shot and killed, reportedly by Palestinian gunmen, in the West Bank.

The Basketball Diaries

Two standout Jewish hoop stars headlining the Pac-10 basketball tournament? It\’s all part of March Madness. David Bluthenthal, USC\’s 22-year-old small forward, and Amit Tamir, UC Berkeley\’s 22-year-old forward/center, each look to lead their team to the conference title at the March 7-9 tournament at Staples Center.

From Their Lips to Our Ears

Writing about the breakdown of the Oslo process in the October issue of Commentary, Norman Podhoretz was able to quote liberally from Egyptian and Palestinian newspapers.

Sunday Mourning

It had been quiet for a while. Shootings every day, of course, and a couple of people killed every week, but nothing "major."

The New Face of the UJ

A high-profile lecture series of top American and Israeli personalities is generating national attention and an unexpected financial bonanza. The university\’s continuing education arm is innovating new programs and drawing close to 10,000 participants. Enrollment in the young rabbinical school is running higher than anticipated.\n\n

Reform Leader Angers Orthodox

U.S. Orthodox Jewish leaders are outraged by an Israeli Reform leader\’s comments drawing comparisons between fervently Orthodox Jews and the Islamic fundamentalists who attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Bush Backed — Finally

With the launch of the U.S.-led war on terrorism, American Jewish leaders are rallying behind Washington.

World Brifs

Israeli military sources were quoted as saying the army had postponed a planned action in Beit Jalla by a day.

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