

Iran, world powers set for high-stakes nuclear talks

Iran and the six world powers prepared on Friday for rare talks aimed at easing fears that a deepening dispute over the Islamic Republic\’s nuclear program could plunge the Middle East into a new war.

Netanyahu says sanctions hurting Iran but not enough

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday that international sanctions were hurting Iran\’s economy but not enough to persuade it to curb its nuclear ambitions even slightly.

Could bombing Iran push it to build the bomb?

Pre-emptive military strikes aimed at forcing Iran to abandon its nuclear activities may end up having the opposite effect: convincing the Islamic Republic\’s leaders they need an atomic arsenal to secure their hold on power.

Israel takes concerns about Iran to key partner China

Israel on Friday took its concern about Iran\’s nuclear programme to one of Iran\’s main partners, China, and hinted it could launch a preemptive attack on the Islamic Republic despite repeated calls by China to allow diplomacy to take its course.

Obama: Diplomacy window shrinking

The window for Iran to resolve its differences with the West through diplomacy is shrinking, President Obama said.

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