

Israel wary of expected Iran nuclear deal

Israel expressed deep suspicion on Tuesday about an expected deal between the U.N. nuclear agency and Iran, suggesting Tehran\’s aim was to wriggle out of sanctions rather than make real concessions ahead of wider atomic talks with world powers.

U.N. nuclear chief holds talks in Tehran, hopes for deal

The U.N. nuclear watchdog chief held rare talks in Tehran on Monday after voicing hope for a deal to investigate suspected atomic bomb research – a gesture Iran might make to try to get international sanctions relaxed and deflect threats of war.

Israel: Iran in ‘chess game’ to guard nuclear gains

Iran is likely to use talks planned with world powers next week to buy more time for advancing its disputed nuclear program and it is \”very good at playing this kind of chess game,\” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday.

Top U.S. think tank warns against Israeli, American strike on Iran

The RAND Corporation, a think tank which advises the Pentagon, warned on Tuesday against an Israeli or American attack on Iran\’s nuclear reactors, and recommended the Obama administration try to \”quietly influence the internal Israeli discussion over the use of military force.\”

Israel’s top general says Iran unlikely to make bomb

Israel\’s military chief said he does not believe Iran will decide to build an atomic bomb and called its leaders \”very rational\” – comments that clashed with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu\’s assessment.

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