

Gaza cease-fire holding on second day, talks under way

A Gaza cease-fire was holding on Wednesday as Egyptian mediators pursued talks with Israeli and Palestinian representatives on an enduring end to a war that has devastated the Islamist Hamas-dominated enclave.

Israel debates efficacy of military ground operation

Standing in a well-furnished bomb-shelter in the southern town of Sderot, former deputy Israeli army chief-of-staff Uzi Dayan says that a large-scale ground invasion of the Gaza Strip is the only way to ensure that Israel completes its mission of ending rocket fire once and for all while striking a heavy blow to the Islamist Hamas movement.

Obama does not rule out air strikes against Iraq insurgents

The United States is not ruling out air strikes to assist the Iraqi government fight a growing radical Islamist insurgency, President Barack Obama said on Thursday, raising the possibility of the first American military intervention in Iraq since the end of the U.S.-led war.

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