

I would have booed Ted Cruz, too

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) must be the gutsiest supporter of Israel in American history, if you believe media accounts of his actions at a recent Christian assembly.

Top Republicans back Obama’s plan to fight Islamic State

The Republican leader of the U.S. House of Representatives voiced support on Thursday for President Barack Obama\’s expanded campaign against Islamic State militants, but members of his party questioned whether the plan was forceful enough.

Obama expands air strikes against Islamic State

U.S. warplanes carried out five strikes on Islamic State insurgents menacing Iraq\’s Haditha Dam on Sunday, witnesses and officials said, widening what President Barack Obama called a campaign to curb and ultimately defeat the jihadist movement.

A rabbi’s eulogy for Steven Sotloff

“Is there a sorrow greater than this?\” Rabbi Terry Bookman, senior rabbi at Temple Beth Am in Miami where I grew up, asked as he opened Friday\’s memorial service for slain journalist Steven Sotloff.

Israel says it gagged reports captive Sotloff was its citizen

Israel said on Thursday it had prevented local media from reporting that slain U.S. journalist Steven Sotloff was also an Israeli citizen, in a bid to reduce the risk to him after he was seized by Islamist insurgents in Syria last year.

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