

No One Spared

Within a 48-hour span beginning March 17, 12 Israelis were murdered in three suicide attacks, and dozens were wounded. Terrorism was back on the scene, a sad reminder that its apparent absence in recent months was only an illusion born of the army\’s success in preventing attacks.

Aliyah Perspectives

From Los Angeles, Israel is 20 hours away by plane and 10 hours ahead on the clock; it\’s also a world apart.

JVS Program Heals Immigrants’ Lives

Balancing a large tray on her shoulders, Nahide Kafri dashed from table to table serving dinner to patients with Alzheimer\’s disease at the Los Angeles Jewish Home for the Aging (JHA).

A Tie That Binds

On the final night of the Pacific Jewish Film Festival in February, the South African emigre community jammed the theater to see the comedy about Christians and Jews in South Africa. Long after the credits ended, they stayed, kibbitzing in the aisles, hungering for their own countrymen.

Flamboyant Ballet

When Boris Eifman\’s ballet, \”Tchaikovsky: The Mystery of Life and Death,\” premiered in Moscow in 1993, angry picketers surrounded the concert hall.

We Soared With Ilan

Yuval Rotem, Israeli consul general for the Western United States, delivered these remarks at a Feb. 1 dinner for Pressman Academy,
honoring him and his wife, Miri, at the Airport Westin Hotel.

A Taxing Double Dip

It took Herb and Barbara Greenberg 10 years to realize their dream of making aliyah so they could live near their children and grandchildren.

Jewish Gem Shines on the Emerald Isle

It takes a certain amount of chutzpah for a Jewish population numbering less than 1,000 to field a Jewish museum. But if anyone has chutzpah, it\’s Ireland\’s tiny Jewish — mostly Orthodox — community. The Irish Jewish Museum, founded in 1985 by Dr. Chaim Herzog, then president of Israel and son of the former chief rabbi of Ireland, ambitiously exhibits artifacts about Irish Jewish history and life as well as about Jewish life in general.

The Russian Club

What the Russian Jewish immigrants of Orange County lack in numbers they make up for in passion.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.